220 Romanian citizens and their family members evacuated from Gaza so far

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A total of 220 Romanian citizens and their family members have been evacuated from the Gaza Strip so far, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MAE) announced. Most recently, a group of 86 Romanians were brought to Romania on Tuesday, November 14, aboard a special flight operated by the national airline Tarom.

The 86 Romanians reached the territory of the Arab Republic of Egypt through the Rafah border crossing last Saturday and were subsequently guided by representatives of the Romanian Embassy in Egypt. A mobile team from the Crisis Cell of the MAE accompanied them to Cairo, from where they were flown to Romania.

"This group of 86 is quite a large one, which is why we sought the assistance of Tarom. They have been transported to Romania and arrived this morning. They crossed the Rafah border on November 12. [They were] accompanied by a mobile team from the crisis cell, they passed through the Sinai Peninsula and then, through this special flight (...), were brought to Romania," said a MAE spokesperson cited by B1tv.ro.

Three mobile consular teams from the Rapid Reaction Unit of the ministry are currently in Egypt to support specific efforts on the ground.

[email protected]

(Photo source: Facebook/Ministerul Afacerilor Externe)

Sursa: https://www.romania-insider.com/romanian-citizens-evacuated-gaza-nov-2023

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