A gold medal and three silver ones for the representative team of Romania at the Balkan Olympiad in Informatics for Juniors🥇🥈🥈🥈

acum 11 luni 40

A gold medal and three silver ones for the representative team of Romania at the Balkan Olympiad in Informatics for Juniors

From November 25th to 28th, 2023, North Macedonia, with the support of Romania through the Ministry of Education and the Society for Excellence and Performance in Informatics, organized the 16th edition of the Balkan Olympiad in Informatics for Juniors (JBOI), the oldest international informatics competition for this age group.

The competition took place in an online format, with Romania’s representative team hosted in Craiova, and the tests held at the “Frații Buzești” National College.

Our students achieved the following distinctions:

🥇 Neacșu Matei, International Theoretical Informatics High School, Bucharest, Gold Medal

Mureșan Luca Valentin, “Mihai Eminescu” National College, Satu Mare, Silver Medal

Iorgulescu Andrei Paul, National College of Informatics “Tudor Vianu,” Bucharest, Silver Medal

🥈 Petrean Roland, “Silvania” National College, Zalău, Silver Medal

The team was coordinated by representatives of the Society for Excellence and Performance in Informatics, who ensured the selection and training of the team:

Prof. Marius Nicoli, “Frații Buzești” National College, Syncro Soft, Craiova, SEPI General Director

👉 Stud. Liviu Silion, Babeș Bolyai University, Cluj Napoca, SEPI member

Congratulations to the students and teachers! Gratitude to those who support excellence in education!

Source: https://www.facebook.com/www.edu.ro

Sursa: https://www.nineoclock.ro/2023/12/01/a-gold-medal-and-three-silver-ones-for-the-representative-team-of-romania-at-the-balkan-olympiad-in-informatics-for-juniors%F0%9F%A5%87%F0%9F%A5%88%F0%9F%A5%88%F0%9F%A5%88/

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