A night of excellence at the BRCC Awards Gala 2025

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A night of excellence at the BRCC Awards Gala 2025


The British Romanian Chamber of Commerce organized the 3rd Edition of the BRCC AWARDS GALA on the 19th of February, at JW Marriott Bucharest Grand Hotel, after the success of the previous editions aiming to recognize the champions of 2024 in business, NGO’s and Education, and continuing to provide excellent services for their members and community.

The gala recognized seven outstanding winners for their ambition, resilience, and innovative efforts in strengthening their communities, tackling environmental challenges, and enhancing UK-Romania relations. Over 150 international guests came together last Wednesday to celebrate the achievements of the 2024 BRCC Awards recipients. This year’s Gala honored outstanding achievements within the BRCC network, with the esteemed presence of His Majesty’s Ambassador of Great Britain to Romania, Giles Portman and the Royal Family, represen...

Sursa: https://nineoclock.ro/2025/02/26/a-night-of-excellence-at-the-brcc-awards-gala-2025/

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