About 800 Romanians still trapped in Israel, PM says

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Prime minister Marcel Ciolacu said on October 9 that over 780 Romanians in Israel requested support to return to the country, emphasizing that the state-owned company Tarom undertook such flights to Romania during this period.

Asked about the fact that Romanians who returned from Israel with Tarom complained that they were asked to pay EUR 350 for a one-way ticket, he mentioned that he would take this to the minister of transport and the president of the Competition Council.

“We are not talking about many citizens, there were also people who were on pilgrimage. I suppose we will discuss on a case-by-case basis, depending on income, to cover these amounts,” PM Ciolacu said, according to G4media.ro.

He also underlined that Tarom, unlike other airlines, continued to operate flights to and from Israel despite the critical situation in the country.

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(Photo source: Inquam Photos / Octav Ganea)

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Sursa: https://www.romania-insider.com/romanians-israel-pm-october-2023

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