Bill on cash restrictions climbs up on political agenda in Romania

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Romanian prime minister Marcel Cuolacu (PSD) seized the electoral potential of the topic and summoned the representatives of the Finance Ministry and Central Bank over the new regulations that restrict the use of cash.

Liberal leader Nicolae Ciuca (PNL, former PM) disclosed recently that he had not agreed with the bill, calling for further debates on the topic, according to Digi24

 "Banks' greed cannot be fueled by the cash debate! It is intolerable to increase bank fees artificially!" the prime minister said, quoted by

"I will never give up the fight against evasion. And I will not give up protecting Romanians from the greed of some who want to make money at any cost," the head of the executive added.

Several banks have already communicated to customers that they are going to operate commission increases for cash withdrawal or cash deposit operations at counters, inter and intra-bank payments (those made at the counter), reported.

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