Bucharest mayor unveils revamped parking payment app

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Bucharest mayor Nicușor Dan recently announced that the parking payment application managed by the city administration released a new version, offering more features to drivers in the capital.

The new app allows for parking payments without an account, but also the prepayment of fees, and simultaneous payment for multiple vehicles.

“The new application includes an interactive city map that helps users identify the most convenient parking spaces based on their location and their availability," mayor Dan said.

"According to statistics from the Municipal Parking Company, the percentage of digital payment methods usage has increased by 80% recently, indicating that drivers in Bucharest prefer to use this type of application,” he added.

The new version of the application can be downloaded from the AppStore and Google Store and it also offers an English language option. 

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(Photo source: Inquam Photos/Octav Ganea)

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Sursa: https://www.romania-insider.com/bucharest-revamped-parking-payment-app-2023

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