Bucharest on 8 in ‘Most Congested Cities in the World Index’

acum 9 luni 49

Bucharest is once again in the Top 10 of the most congested cities in the world. The information was included in the annual ranking of the Top congested cities in the world, published by TomTom.

Featuring 387 cities across 55 countries on 6 continents, the TomTom Traffic Index evaluates cities around the world by their average travel time, fuel costs, and CO2 emissions, providing free access to high-quality and useful information. Whether you’re a driver, pedestrian, city planner, car and policymaker, the index can help you tackle everyday traffic challenges.

Compared to last year, Bucharest has added 20 seconds to the average time needed to drive 10 km in the city.

Not only that, but according to statistics, Bucharest is also one of the most polluted cities in the world, and the average life of the city residents is drastically affected. Here, it’s not only car exhaust gases to blame but also the lack of street cleaning, the mountains of garbage piling up in the middle of the city, and the building sector, chaotically developing the urban landscape.

Who is going to save Bucharest from this mess? Nobody, and Romania’s Capital becomes more expensive to live in, but also more polluted and its traffic more congested.

The post Bucharest on 8 in ‘Most Congested Cities in the World Index’ appeared first on Valahia.News.

Sursa: https://valahia.news/bucharest-most-congested-city-romania/

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