Central Romania: Natural History Museum reopens in Târgu Mureș

acum 11 luni 47

The Natural History Museum in Târgu Mureș has reopened after a five-year break during which both the building and the main exhibition were refurbished as part of a project of the Mureș County Council funded through the 2014-2020 Regional Operational Program.

The project, which had a total value of more than RON 12 million (approximately EUR 2.4 million), benefited from non-refundable funding of RON 9.3 million, according to Agerpres.

The museum welcomes the public with digitalized, updated dioramas and some 60,000 exhibits grouped in various zoological, paleontological, and mineral collections. One of the museum’s star items is the skeleton of a Woolly rhinoceros, estimated to be 50,000 years old and brought from Siberia.

The museum’s yard was also refurbished and now includes a greenhouse with exotic plants and a sensory garden.

The institution also has a learning hall, meant to host its traditional programs and projects, rolled out in partnership with the schools in the county.

(Photo: Consiliul Judetean Mures Facebook Page)

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Sursa: https://www.romania-insider.com/natural-history-museum-tg-mures-dec-2023

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