CinePOLSKA & Vistula: Polish film festival holds 19th edition in Bucharest

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CinePOLSKA, the festival dedicated to Polish film, is scheduled to take place between November 15th and November 22nd.

For this year’s edition, it partnered with Vistula Film Festival to showcase a richer program. The 2023 edition will take place in a hybrid format, with screenings at Elvire Popesco cinema in Bucharest between November 15th and November 17th, and online screenings on the TIFF Unlimited platform between November 15th and November 22nd.

Elvire Popesco will host the screenings of three films: Michał Kwieciński’s Filip, Marta Minorowicz’s Illusions, and Beata Dzianowicz’s Shreds. Tickets are available at or at the cinema’s ticket office.

The TIFF Unlimited platform will host four feature films and three batches of short films made by graduates of the film schools in Łódź, Warsaw, and Katowice. The films can be watched for free, without an account on the platform.

More on the program here.

(Photo: Thanasak Boonchoong/ Dreamstime)

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