Commission reports on progress made by Bulgaria and Romania on the Pilot Projects for Fast Asylum and Return Procedures

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Commission reports on progress made by Bulgaria and Romania on the Pilot Projects for Fast Asylum and Return Procedures

Pilot Project in Romania

Romania amended its asylum legislation in May, allowing for the issuing of negative decisions on international protection together with a return decision. This has contributed to a more efficient return process. Romania has also tested the accelerated procedure in an enhanced manner which led to the swift processing of asylum claims. Romanian authorities further strengthened the cooperation with the EUAA, on the basis of the Operational Plan. EUAA experts can now fully participate in the registration and assessment of asylum applications.

When it comes to border management and international cooperation, Romania continued managing its external borders with Serbia successfully. Based on activities for prevention of irregular migration with the Serbian authorities, more than 400 joint patrol missions and ad hoc patrols were carried out since the start of the pilot in March. Frontex Standing Corps are present using Mobile Surveillance Vehicles at the Romanian – Serbian border section of the Terra 2023 operational area.

Furthermore, Romania has been liaising bilaterally with Member States through the High-Level Network on Returns and with Frontex on good practices on returns, notably return counselling. Romania fully participates in the European multidisciplinary platform against criminal threats (EMPACT) and in Operational Task Forces set up to fight against criminal networks involved in migrant smuggling.

Pilot Project in Romania

Romania amended its asylum legislation in May, allowing for the issuing of negative decisions on international protection together with a return decision. This has contributed to a more efficient return process. Romania has also tested the accelerated procedure in an enhanced manner which led to the swift processing of asylum claims. Romanian authorities further strengthened the cooperation with the EUAA, on the basis of the Operational Plan. EUAA experts can now fully participate in the registration and assessment of asylum applications.

When it comes to border management and international cooperation, Romania continued managing its external borders with Serbia successfully. Based on activities for prevention of irregular migration with the Serbian authorities, more than 400 joint patrol missions and ad hoc patrols were carried out since the start of the pilot in March. Frontex Standing Corps are present using Mobile Surveillance Vehicles at the Romanian – Serbian border section of the Terra 2023 operational area.

Furthermore, Romania has been liaising bilaterally with Member States through the High-Level Network on Returns and with Frontex on good practices on returns, notably return counselling. Romania fully participates in the European multidisciplinary platform against criminal threats (EMPACT) and in Operational Task Forces set up to fight against criminal networks involved in migrant smuggling.

Head of Representation


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