CTP delivers 65,000 sqm logistics centre near Bucharest to Polish retailer LPP

acum 9 luni 42

Leading regional real estate developer CTP delivered the first regional distribution centre abroad operated by the Polish group LPP through LPP Logistics less than a year after construction began.

The regional centre of LPP, with an area of ​​65,000 square meters, is located in CTPark Bucharest West.

The new warehouse will strengthen the retailer's distribution network in Southern Europe, Economica.net reported.

The construction of the new distribution centre was launched in January 2023 by CTP's in-house construction team, and in early December, the LPP team began sourcing and the first logistics operations to launch the new facility.

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(Photo source: Lpp.com)

Sursa: https://www.romania-insider.com/ctp-logistics-centre-bucharest-lpp-2024

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