• Most of the financing is provided from the Modernization Fund, and the rest from the contribution of Delgaz Grid;
• The direct beneficiaries are over 36,000 customers from the Roman municipality and the surrounding area;
• The equipment and technologies used are state-of-the-art;
Distribution company Delgaz Grid began in the fourth quarter of 2024, together with its partner ETHGroup, the modernization works at the Roman Laminor transformer station, through an investment of over 51 million lei including VAT (approximately 10 million EUR) from which over 36,000 customers from the Roman municipality and 111* other localities in the surrounding area will benefit.
Sursa: https://www.thediplomat.ro/2025/02/13/delgaz-grid-has-started-modernization-works-at-the-roman-laminor-transformer-station-neamt-county-a-project-worth-approximately-10-million-euros/
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