Dimitrie Bolintineanu House – Negustori 16. – one of the most Instagrammable Christmas places in Bucharest

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Dimitrie Bolintineanu House – Negustori 16. – one of the most Instagrammable Christmas places in Bucharest

In anticipation of the winter holidays, Casa Dimitrie Bolintineanu (the villa.), 16 Negustori Street, turns into a fairytale place. The decoration, which creatively mixes the classic with innovation, highlights the location with a strong historical significance, valued in 2023 at 6 million euros thanks to the renovation works carried out over a period of 2 years.

The centrepiece of the Christmas decor is the Christmas tree – an impressive 8-metre high art installation. The Nobilis wax-coated metal structure is illuminated by more than 5000 Twinkly LEDs distributed over a 320-metre long installation. This is the villa’s gift to the locals who are in love with Christmas.

“The giant tree is a symbol of generosity and joy of the winter holidays. With it we want to pay homage to Christmas traditions, combining them with modern technology. We placed the centrepiece in the fence at the street to give people a fairytale space. I think decorating the space is a must for Christmas, one of the most beautiful holidays of the year. On top of that, I feel indebted to the companies that have chosen to hold their end of year party in our space and want every person who crosses our threshold in December to have that moment of awe and wonder. I love seeing a home that tells a story and gives back to the community. We chose to do the tree outside precisely so that every passer-by can enjoy this giant installation”, says Vlad Mihalachioiu, the villa.

The whole arrangement was made in partnership with Florist Club Romania and City Flowers, and the area of Twinkly: Smart Decorations.

Sursa: https://www.nineoclock.ro/2023/12/05/dimitrie-bolintineanu-house-negustori-16-one-of-the-most-instagrammable-christmas-places-in-bucharest/

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