E-Distribuție Muntenia was renamed Rețele Electrice Muntenia

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E-Distribuție Muntenia was renamed Rețele Electrice Muntenia

Rețele Electrice Muntenia (part of the PPC group, previously named E-Distribuție Muntenia) is the new name of the company that manages the electricity distribution networks in Bucharest and in the counties of Ilfov and Giurgiu.

The name change of the distribution operator comes after PPC recently completed the acquisition of Enel’s operations in Romania. Customers will continue to benefit from the same quality services, the most advanced technology in electricity distribution and digital  customer care services.

Thanks to constant investments in the development and modernization of the electricity distribution recipe, E-Distribuție Muntenia, the current Rețele Electrice Muntenia, recorded in 2022 an average duration of unplanned interruptions per customer/year (SAIDI – System Average Interruption Duration Index – the most important indicator electricity distribution performance) of 77.50 minutes, while the national average was 108.25 minutes.

Under its new name, the company will continue its extensive investment program, with the main goal of transforming the energy sector in Romania into a decarbonized, digital, decentralized one, which would offer the economy and society a competitive advantage in a changing world, with a focus especially on the needs of customers.

Also, the contact methods remain the same. To get in touch with the company, customers from Bucharest and the counties of Ilfov and Giurgiu have at their disposal the toll free number 0800.070.888. The TelVerde numbers in the technical call centers are available 24h/7 and can be called free of charge from the national territory. Also, as part of the digitization programme, details of electricity supply are also available on the page https://www.e-distributie.com/ro/intreruperi-curent.html.

Sursa: https://www.nineoclock.ro/2023/11/11/e-distributie-muntenia-was-renamed-retele-electrice-muntenia/

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