Grants for investments in Romanian regions hit by decarbonisation

acum 10 luni 48

Micro-enterprises and small and medium-sized companies (SMEs) will be extended grants of EUR 200,000 -  EUR 8 million per project in the manufacturing sector through a new scheme operated in six counties hit by the decarbonisation, financed from the Just Transition Program (PTJ) 2021-2027 scheme, reported.

The companies must come up with 10% of the eligible expenses related to the project.

Companies that want to develop production capacities in the counties of Gorj, Hunedoara, Dolj, Prahova, Galati, and Mureş, but also in the towns of Valea Jiului can submit projects starting December 20 to receive financing through the Just Transition Program.

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(Photo source: Alekleks/


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