‘Halloween in Transylvania’ to be attended by 800 students from all over Europe

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Over 800 students from all over Europe who have come to Romania through the Erasmus+ program are expected to attend the 'Halloween in Transylvania’ event in Brașov and Râșnov between October 26 and 28.

The event aims to promote national history and culture through visits to Bran Castle, Râșnov Fortress, and Peleș Castle, as well as through various thematic workshops. 

"This year's event agenda will include visits to castles during the first two days, along with the Erasmus Generation Summit in Râșnov. We aim to have a mix of activities, including Halloween-themed activities such as pumpkin carving and painting bags with Halloween motifs. We will also have workshops and spaces addressing topics like the importance of voting, as European Parliament elections are coming up. Additionally, we will have workshops on improvisation and critical thinking," explained Adrian Boldianu, project manager, cited by G4Media.

The event concludes on Sunday, October 28, with a parade of flags from the participating countries, which will begin in Nicolae Titulescu Park and end in Piața Sfatului.

Erasmus+ is the EU's programme to support education, training, youth, and sport in Europe.

[email protected]

(Photo source: ESN.ro)

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Sursa: https://www.romania-insider.com/halloween-transylvania-students-europe-2023

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