Head of Federation of Jewish Communities in Romania received by Pope Francis

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The president of the Federation of Jewish Communities in Romania, deputy Silviu Vexler, was received in a private audience by His Holiness Pope Francis at the Apostolic Palace in the Vatican. 

The two discussed issues related to the commemoration of the 'Year of Cardinal Iuliu Hossu' in 2025.

"During the meeting, His Holiness and deputy Vexler discussed current topics, the essential aspects of the National 'Cardinal Iuliu Hossu Year,' the situation of Jewish Communities in Romania, and the programs carried out by the Federation of Jewish Communities in Romania," as stated in a Facebook post

At the initiative of deputies Silviu Vexler and Ovidiu Victor Ganţ, the Parliament of Romania recently adopted a bill to establish the year 2025 as the "Year of Cardinal Iuliu Hossu" to celebrate the life, work, personality, martyrdom, and the significant role in the achievement of the Great Union and efforts made to save Jews during the Holocaust by the bishop of the Eparchy of Cluj-Gherla within the Romanian Greek-Catholic Church, Cardinal, senator, Honorary Member of the Romanian Academy, and political detainee Iuliu Hossu.

Joining the Pope and the deputy in the private audience were His Excellency Claudiu Lucian Pop, the bishop of the Greek-Catholic Eparchy of Cluj-Gherla, His Excellency Cristian Crişan, the bishop of the Curia of the Major Archdiocese (donec aliter provideatur), and Adina Lovin, Acting Chargé d'Affaires of the Romanian Embassy to the Holy See. 

The president of FCER emphasized the long-standing friendship, based on mutual appreciation and respect, which defines the special relationship between the Federation of Jewish Communities in Romania, the Holy See, the Roman Catholic Church, and the Romanian Greek-Catholic Church. 

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(Photo source: Silviu Vexler on Facebook)

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Sursa: https://www.romania-insider.com/head-federation-jewish-communities-romania-received-pope-francis-2023

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