Heyo Club launches new influencer marketing platform with over 5,000 members and detailed profiling of each user, with a 50,000 Euro investment

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Heyo Club, launched today, is a new social engagement and influencer marketing platform that brings together over 5,000 content creators and professionals from a variety of markets. It provides detailed profiling of each member, and according to the first tests conducted for companies that have accessed pre-launch services, it generates over 20% more registrations in sales promotion campaigns. The investment in the initial version of the platform amounts to €50,000.

“We strongly believe in authenticity and micro-influencers. We believe in authentic communities, and through results, we demonstrate the real value of accessing the diverse groups of people who actually follow and trust content creators. We come with a solution that provides companies with detailed segmentation, with multiple profiling options, that is efficient not only for review, testing, promotion campaigns, but also for mystery shopping, conversions, and sales. We are at the beginning, but the rapid level of member affiliation to the platform, the diversity of profiles, the affinity we can generate, and the campaigns carried out so far give us the confidence to say that we have an efficient and innovative marketing resource for the results of our customers,” said Marilena Istrătescu (in opening picture), Founder of Heyo Club.

What makes Heyo Club unique is not only the refined profiling, through which any brand can find its right voice, but also the quality of the content and the focus on the natural and credible integration of the products communicated. Heyo Club also involves a strong curatorial component, visible from strategy and concept to execution and evaluation of results.

The main categories represented by the platform's members include food and beverages, cooking, beauty and personal care, home care, fashion, lifestyle, entertainment and travel, retail, Horeca, and health.

Heyo Club is a product of Hello Group, a full-service agency founded in 2010. Heyo Club is based on the agency's extensive experience as an experience creator, with a strong trade marketing component, and capitalizes on the acquisition of digital and influencer marketing know-how. The result is a comprehensive platform, useful for any business in Romania, from corporations to local businesses and entrepreneurship.

Heyo Club member profile

The first 5,000 Heyo Club members are 48% parents, 70% pet owners, 30% sports enthusiasts, 34% people who relax by cooking, and 33% are passionate about gardening and DIY activities.

Detailed profiling by specialization shows that 7% of members work in education, 6% in the medical and pharmaceutical field, and 5% in the hospitality industry.

The 18-25 age group dominates the members numerically, with 55% of the total, and people aged 30-45 are equivalent to 40% of the total platform at present.

Of these, 7% already have over 20,000 followers on social media platforms. 72% of members have Facebook accounts, equal to those with Instagram accounts, while TikTok is used by 34% of members.

Geographic segmentation

If Bucharest and Ilfov account for 29.4% of the total number of members registered on the platform, the podium is completed by Moldova, with 16.5%, and Muntenia, with 13.8%.

Closely followed by Transylvania, with 13.3%, then Oltenia, with 6%, Dobrogea, with 5.5%, Banat with 4.5%, and Bucovina, with 4.4%.

Heyo Club is the social engagement and influencer marketing platform that supports the growth and visibility of brands, through access to special talents, professionals, and micro-influencers segmented with precision, through efficient marketing tools. More information is available at www.heyoclub.ro and www.facebook.com/club.heyo.

*This is a Press release.

Sursa: https://www.romania-insider.com/heyo-club-launches-new-influencer-marketing-platform-over-5000-members-and-detailed-profiling-each

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