Hungarian Film Week kicks off in Bucharest

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The 17th edition of the Hungarian Film Week is scheduled to take place in Bucharest between November 12th and November 19th at the Peasant Museum Cinema.

The program includes the latest releases of Hungarian cinema – films launched in recent years, awarded at international festivals, and which have not been screened in Bucharest so far.

The event will open with a screening of Fanni Szilágyi’s Not a Thing, in the presence of the director and of actress Natasa Stork. She won the Best Actress prize at New York Film Week for her roles in the film.

Three films made as part of the Incubator Program of Hungary’s National Film Institute will also be shown in Bucharest. These are Not a Thing, Katalin Moldovai’s Without Air, and Mátyás Szabó’s Seeing What You See.

Fantasy films - such as Isti Madarász’s Halfway Home and Kata Dobó and Buda Gulyás’ Stop My Stepmom! - will also be screened, in addition to classics of Hungarian cinema.

The full program is available here.

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