The Autonomous Administration of Galati Free Zone
“The Autonomous Administration of Galati Free Zone, organizes public auction in order to grant pieces of ground in the Galati Free Zone with total area of 48.697 mp for activities developed under free zone system.
The auction will be held on the 20th of December 2023, at 11:00 a.m., at the headoffice of Galati Free Zone Administration.
The applicants will send, until 11th of December 2023, at. 16.00 a.m. a participation request, containing the following information:
– accurate name and address of the company;
– description of main activity object;
– the goal of granting;
– the requested surface;
– the requested period of granting.
Further details can be obtained daily from 8:00 a.m. to 13:00 p.m. at the Administration headoffice or at phone no. 0040-236-411222, fax no. 0040-236-414929 and e-mail: [email protected]. Headoffice: Str. Al. I. Cuza, bloc Cristal, sc. 1, 800216, Galati, Romania.”

The Autonomous Administration of Galati Free Zone