Joint press statements by Prime Minister Marcel Ciolacu and the Prime Minister of the State of Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu
Prime Minister Marcel Ciolacu: I have decided to come to Israel today because, in such difficult moments, as those currently experienced by the Israeli people, partners and friends must show their solidarity.
The Romanian society, the community of Israelis in Romania, and the community of Romanians in Israel mourn with you, Mr Prime Minister, the innocent victims, women, children, and young people in their prime, following Hamas’ terror attacks.
I convey our compassion for such high losses of human life and for the many injured, among whom, tragically, there were also citizens of Romanian origin.
Mr. Prime Minister, Romania remains a steadfast state in its relations with the Middle East. That is why we are extremely concerned about the growing spiral of violence with dire consequences on the civilian population, both Israeli and Palestinian.
I would like to assure Romanians in our country that we maintain our attitude of peace promoters, but, in difficult moments, we will unconditionally stand by our allies and friends, defending democratic values.
Romania has firmly condemned what happened in Israel lately, the scale of the atrocities committed by Hamas, a terrorist group that took the Gaza population hostage to satisfy its extremist interests.
In this context, I mention that the Romanian Parliament was the first legislative body in democratic states to adopt in its plenary session a declaration of solidarity with the State of Israel.
Romania joins the international community’s appeals for the immediate release of all hostages and the kidnapped and refraining from any other act of aggression, particularly against civilian targets.
I conveyed to Prime Minister Netanyahu, that faced with such attacks, the State of Israel has the right to defend itself.
Moreover, Mr. Prime Minister, I would like to thank you for the Israeli authorities’ involvement and support for the safe repatriation of over 2,200 Romanian citizens from Israel.
In conclusion, I reiterate the necessity and urgency of a lasting peace in the Middle East and wish for a joint effort for the safe evacuation of Romanian citizens from the Gaza Strip.
We hope that such tragic events never happen again.