Leroy Merlin refurbishes flagship store in Romania under EUR 3.5 mln investment

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French construction materials, home decoration and gardening retailer Leroy Merlin has completed the renovation process of its flagship store in the Colosseum Shopping Park in Bucharest under a EUR 3.5 million investment.

Besides the expanded portfolio of products, the expansion is expected to increase the number of customers of the store by up to 15% by 2024 and the turnover by 15-20%, boosted by online or telephone orders, Ziarul Financiar reported.

With the new changes, the product range has been improved, and the areas of sanitary ware, tiles, but also those of home decoration, arrangement and storage, paints and varnishes, carpentry and garden have been expanded and now include several product variants, aligned both customer needs, as well as sustainable development requirements. 

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(Photo source: Alexandr Blinov/Dreamstime.com)

Sursa: https://www.romania-insider.com/leroy-merlin-refurbishes-flagship-store-bucharest-2023

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