NATO Deputy Secretary General Mircea Geoana: We all belong to a single nation, let’s give it the chance of a new beginning

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NATO Deputy Secretary General Mircea Geoana: We all belong to a single nation, let’s give it the chance of a new beginning

After Moldavia and Wallachia became one country, the feeling of unity grew and all the territories inhabited by Romanians began to vibrate, glimpsing the possibility of achieving the whole dream, said NATO Deputy Secretary General Mircea Geoana, who underlined that Romanians all belong to a single nation to which they have an obligation to close ranks and give it the chance of a new beginning.

“The consciousness of Romanians everywhere became entwined with the reality of this total Romanian dream, and what until then did not even exist as a possibility became a duty for all. And so, the Great Union of 1918 became a clear political project, patiently thought out and prepared, waiting for the right moment, which came at the right time, like harvest time, for the fruit grown from the seed planted by the people inspired by democratic ideas of 1848,Mircea Geoana said in a message addressed on the occasion of Romania’s National Day.

The NATO official brought to mind that the 1848 Revolution, the First Crimean War, the First World War, the invasion of Czechoslovakia, the fall of the Berlin Wall, September 11, 2001 – each of these moments opened windows of opportunity for Romania that the politicians of the time were able to exploit as they knew best.

The Little Union, the Great Union, the game between the two Blocs, communist and capitalist, in the 1970s, the Snagov Consensus, which led to Romania’s accession to NATO and the EU, were the milestones of the same instinct of opportunity, which the Romanian elites showed every time the international context allowed the advancement of the National Project, Geoana added.

The Revolution of 1848, the First Crimean War, World War I, the invasion of Czechoslovakia, the fall of the Berlin Wall, September 11, 2001 – each of these moments opened windows of opportunity for Romania that the politicians of that time could exploit as best they could. The Little Union, the Great Union, the game between the blocs in the 1970s, the Snagov consensus, which led to our accession to NATO and the EU, were the milestones of the same instinct of opportunity that the Romanian elites showed every time the international context allowed the advancement of the National Project.

“However, never in the history of modern Romania have we had, as today, more than a military alliance, a membership in such intimate integration structures with the West. If, before joining NATO and the EU, Romania – in its various state incarnations with variable geometry, depending on the balance of power between the Great Powers – was rather an important piece of strategic geography, today the institutional West is here. Our internal strength, that of Romanians in the country or in the diaspora, is given by the extent to which we will be able, after more than 30 years since we won our freedom and almost 20 years since we entered the Euro-Atlantic world, to embrace again the National Idea and to see with lucidity what prevents us from reaching our full potential. We all belong to a single nation to which we have an obligation to close ranks and give it the chance of a new beginning,Mircea Geoana said.

Mr. Mircea Geoana, NATO Deputy Secretary General

Our inner strength, of Romanians in the country or in the diaspora, is given by the extent to which we will have the capacity, after more than 30 years since we won our freedom and almost 20 years since we entered the Euro-Atlantic world, to reembrace the National Idea and see with lucidity what prevents us from reaching our full potential. We all belong to one nation to which we have an obligation to close ranks and give it the chance of a new beginning.

Happy New Year, Romanians! Happy New Year, Romania!

Source: AGERPRES.RO and Mircea Geona Likedin page

Mircea Geoana, NATO Deputy Secretary General:  După ce Moldova și Țara Românească au devenit o singură țară, sentimentul unității a crescut și toate teritoriile locuite de români au început să vibreze, întrezărind posibilitatea realizării întregului vis. Conștiința românilor de pretutindeni s-a încărcat cu realitatea acestui vis românesc total, iar ceea ce pâna atunci nu exista nici măcar ca posibilitate a devenit o datorie a tuturor. Și astfel, Unirea cea Mare de la 1918 a devenit un proiect politic clar, gândit și pregătit cu răbdare, în așteptarea momentului favorabil care a venit la timp, ca o vreme a culesului, pentru rodul crescut din sămânța plantată de bonjuriștii de la 1848.

Revoluţia de la 1848, Primul Război al Crimeii, Primul Război Mondial, invadarea Cehoslovaciei, căderea Zidului Berlinului, 11 septembrie 2001 – fiecare dintre aceste momente a deschis pentru România ferestre de oportunitate pe care politicienii de atunci le‑au putut exploata aşa cum s‑au priceput ei mai bine. Mica Unire, Marea Unire, jocul dintre blocuri din anii 1970, consensul de la Snagov, care a condus la aderarea noastră la NATO şi la UE, au fost bornele aceluiași instinct al oportunităţii de care au dat dovadă elitele româneşti de fiecare dată când contextul internaţional a permis avansarea Proiectului Naţional.

Însă, niciodată de-a lungul existenţei României moderne nu am avut ca astăzi, mai mult decât o alianţă militară, o apartenenţă la structuri de integrare atât de intime cu Occidentul. Dacă, până la intrarea în NATO şi în UE, România – în diversele sale întrupări statale cu geometrie variabilă, în funcţie de raportul de forţe între marile puteri – era mai degrabă o bucată importantă de geografie strategică, astăzi Occidentul instituţional este aici.

Puterea noastră interioară, a românilor din țară sau din diaspora, este dată de măsura în care vom avea capacitatea ca, după peste 30 de ani de când ne‑am câştigat libertatea şi la aproape 20 de ani de când am intrat în lumea euroatlantică, să reîmbrăţişăm Ideea Naţională şi să vedem cu luciditate ce ne împiedică să ne atingem întreg potenţialul. Toţi aparţinem unei singure naţiuni faţă de care avem obligaţia să ne strângem rândurile şi să‑i dăm şansa unui nou început.

La mulți ani, români! La mulți ani, România!


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