OMV Petrom overthrows Hidroelectrica as most profitable company in region

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OMV Petrom is the largest and the most profitable company in Southeast Europe, according to the ranking compiled by SEENews, based on the 2022 financial results. Its turnover more than doubled to EUR 13.4 million, and the net profit nearly quadrupled to EUR 2.1 billion.

The company thus overthrew Hidroelectrica as the most profitable.

The 100 largest companies in the region, among which those in the energy sector accounted for 85% of the combined revenues, increased by 46% from 2021 to EUR 226 billion last year.

Other Romanian companies among the 100 largest in the region are OMV Petrom Marketing, Automobile Dacia, Rompetrol Rafinare, Lidl (Romania), Rompetrol Downstream, Kaufland, and Engie.

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(Photo source: Flickr/OMV Petrom)


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