Over 1,000 Romanian medical personnel volunteered to provide assistance in Israel

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Over a thousand medical personnel in Romania have expressed their readiness to go and provide medical assistance in Israel after the deadly Hamas attacks on Saturday, according to health minister Alexandru Rafila.

"The registrations are going very quickly. We had the same very positive response when there was that major earthquake in Turkey. Over a thousand people registered, including doctors and medical assistants. You have to be prepared to send such teams if necessary; it's good to have these as an exercise in human solidarity. You've seen that in Israeli hospitals, the staff came to work without anyone calling them. You should know that the same happened here when [the explosions] happened in Crevedia," stated Alexandru Rafila, cited by Digi24.

The minister explained that the aid, consisting of medical personnel, will be sent "only at the request of the state of Israel," and added that the mobilization is preventive so that if such assistance is needed, it can be sent as quickly as possible.

According to him, even professional associations of doctors have expressed their willingness to support Israeli doctors as they face a state of war. Rafila gave the example of the Romanian Society of Intensive Care Medicine, which declared itself ready to participate in the formation of medical teams in this context. 

According to Rafila, Israeli doctors expressed their willingness to help Romania immediately after the disaster in Crevedia which left 5 dead and dozens injured.

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(Photo source: Ministerul Sanatatii on Facebook)

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Sursa: https://www.romania-insider.com/romanian-medical-personnel-volunteer-assistance-israel-2023

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