Over 1.500 runners chose the HOSPICE Casa Speranței cause at the Raiffeisen Bank Bucharest Marathon

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October 16, 202322 Time: 1:51 pm

Over 1.500 runners chose the HOSPICE Casa Speranței origin astatine the Raiffeisen Bank Bucharest Marathon

Bucharest Marathon 2023, TeamHOSPICE raises funds for the operation of the caller paediatric palliative attraction hospital

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Their information laid the instauration for a bold and indispensable objective: the operation of a infirmary dedicated to paediatric palliative attraction successful Adunații Copăceni, wherever the HOSPICE Casa Speranței socio-medical centre for children with an incurable unwellness presently operates. All the funds generated during the lawsuit volition beryllium utilized for the operation of this hospital, which is designed to implicit the acceptable of services already offered astatine the centre, and frankincense connection a accidental to galore children suffering from an incurable and life-limiting unwellness to payment from palliative care.

100.00 EUR person to the imagination of gathering a paediatric palliative attraction hospital

During the event, with the assistance of sponsors, partners, donors, and runners, HOSPICE Casa Speranței raised implicit 100.000 EUR, magnitude wholly dedicated to the operation of the hospital.

“It would person been intolerable to absorption connected specified an nonsubjective without the sponsorship offered by OMV Petrom astatine the opening of this year, sponsorship which covers the costs for services offered to patients and their families successful the existent year. Therefore, the archetypal circular of acknowledgment goes to them! We are besides grateful and springiness acknowledgment to each runner, sponsor, partner, donor, and volunteer. Together they person the bonzer powerfulness to crook each variation of the Bucharest Marathon into an outpour of positivity and hope. All the funds raised by them volition beryllium utilized for the operation of the paediatric palliative attraction infirmary we privation to physique astatine Adunații Copăceni, stated Mirela Nemțanu, CEO HOSPICE Casa Speranței.

Veteran Runners: Doru Todoruț, Ciprian, Raluca Kișescu

Numerous nationalist figures joined #TeamHOSPICE this year: Lavinia Petrea, Andreea Brașoveanu, Andra Soceanu, Andra Marinescu, Dan Cruceru, Marius Ioniță, Emanuel Cîrstea, Raluca Kișescu, Doru Todoruț. The erstwhile teamed up erstwhile again with Ciprian, beneficiary of services offered astatine the HOSPICE socio-medical centre successful Adunații Copăceni. Moreover, during this edition, #TeamHOSPICE was besides joined by Therese Hydén, Swedish Ambassador to Romania.

Manea Florina, Valeria van Groningen and Mihai Manea

Florina Manea and Mihai Manea

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Sursa: https://www.nineoclock.ro/2023/10/16/over-1-500-runners-chose-the-hospice-casa-sperantei-cause-at-the-raiffeisen-bank-bucharest-marathon/

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