Piaf! The Show comes to Bucharest next spring

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Piaf! The Show, considered the biggest Francophone hit in the world since 2015, will also reach Romania next spring. The performance in Bucharest, at Sala Palatului, is scheduled for March 3, 2024.

Starring internationally famous Nathalie Lermitte, Piaf! The Show had more than 600 performances in over 50 countries and a million tickets sold, News.ro reported. Next, it is set to reach more than 30 countries, including Romania.

Conceived and directed by Gil Marsalla, the show is considered by Edith Piaf’s close friends to be the most beautiful tribute ever produced on the French singer's career. It was sold out at concert venues around the world, such as the Carnegie Hall in New York and the Olympia in Paris.

Tickets for the performance in Bucharest can be purchased online at bilete.emagic.ro and tickets.emagic.ro and from the IaBilet.ro and Entertix networks.

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(Photo source: Facebook/Emagic)

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Sursa: https://www.romania-insider.com/piaf-show-bucharest-march-2024

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