Raiffeisen Bank Romania issues EUR 300 mln of sustainable bonds

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Raiffeisen Bank Romania launched on October 5, in a first for the Romanian banking sector, the first issue of sustainable non-preferential senior Eurobonds on the international capital market, worth EUR 300 million.

With a fixed coupon of 7% in the first three years and a final maturity of four years, the issue attracted strong interest from institutional investors, who placed subscription orders totalling more than EUR 1 billion.

The bonds are to be included in the base of own funds and eligible liabilities of the bank after the prior approval of the National Bank of Romania and will be listed on the Luxembourg Stock Exchange (LuxSE), according to an announcement from the bank.

[email protected]

(Photo source: the company)


Sursa: https://www.romania-insider.com/raiffeisen-bank-romania-sustainable-bonds-2023

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