Recruitment platform: 15% more candidates in Romania applying on average for nine jobs each in October

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Romanians searching for a job sent 1.1 million CVs to employers in October, and on average, they applied to nine positions each, according to an analysis carried out by online recruitment platform BestJobs.

According to the data analyzed by Bestjobs, the number of new CVs sent increased by 15% in October compared to September 2023.

The fields with the most applications were Sales, Engineering, IT, Financial/Accounting, and call centre/BPO.

A considerable evolution compared to September could be observed in the case of IT, where the volume of applications increased by 10%, Legal/Public Sector - by 20%, and Marketing, Sales and Transport - by 5% each.

Students and entry-level candidates became much more active in October on the BestJobs platform, their applications representing 26% of the total volume, at a level similar to the beginning of the summer, when they applied for part-time and seasonal jobs.

Also, remote or flexible schedule jobs remain at the top of active candidate searches, with over 120,000 applications and more than 90,000 searches. At the offer level, remote and hybrid jobs represent 15% of the total.

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