Romania Has Highest Employment in Agriculture in EU

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by Valahia.newsOctober 12, 2023October 12, 202329

According to EUROSTAT, 4.2% of European employment worked in agriculture, forestry or fishing. The agriculture, forestry and fishing sector continues to be a significant source of employment, particularly in eastern and southern EU countries. Here, Romania is the champion.:Vaslui (61.7%) and Neamţ (51.4%) regions reported the highest employment rates in this sector.

Furthermore, 114 NUTS regions had over 16.5% of their workforce employed in agriculture, forestry, and fishing, with concentrations in Bulgaria, Greece, Poland, Portugal and Romania.

In absolute numbers, the regions with the highest employment in agriculture, forestry, and fishing were predominantly located in Romania, with 8 out of the top 10 regions.

The region of Iaşi in Romania had the highest count at 146 200 employees, followed by four other Romanian regions with over 100,000 employees each.

Romania remains the grainyard of Europe, as it was once famous for. In 2020, when Romania decided to ban grain exports, this fueled the fear of a food crisis worldwide. This speaks for itself about the potential of Romanian agriculture and explains why Romanian employment in agriculture is so high.


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