Romania’s Madrigal Choir returns to the US for special anniversary tour

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Romania's National Chamber Choir "Madrigal - Marin Constantin" will return to the US after 35 years for an anniversary tour with special recitals in Washington DC, New York, Chicago, and Seattle. The performances are scheduled for November 24 - December 4.

The concerts will take place in several historic and cultural buildings, such as the US Congress building and the National Cathedral in Washington, the Saint John the Divine Cathedral and the famous Merkin Hall concert hall in New York, the Town Hall in Seattle, and the Saint James Lutheran Church in Chicago.

Almost a month before the start of the tour, all tickets in the four cities were sold out. Thus, the organizers decided to add a second concert in Chicago.

Organized by the Embassy of Romania in the United States of America together with the Romanian Cultural Institute in New York, the Madrigal Choir tour is held just before the winter holidays but also marks Romania's National Day (December 1).

Further details are available here.

During its existence, the Madrigal Choir toured the United States five times in 1969, 1978 (with two tours), 1978 (with a three-month marathon and 65 concerts in the US and Canada), and 1988.

[email protected]

(Photo source: the organizers)


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