Romania's reformist party USR fires leading EP candidate for LGBTQ-related remarks

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Romanian reformist party USR asked its flagship candidate for the European Parliament, the mayor of Campulung Muscel, Elena Lasconi, to step down after her comments about the way gay couples' relationships should be formalised – through civil partnership agreements as opposed to marriage, and about the gay couple's ban on adopting children.

Lasconi admitted in an interview that she voted in a referendum several years ago in favour of not extending the denomination of family to gay partnership agreements.

Her statements prompted vivid criticism from the LGBTQ+ community and from her daughter, who declared herself a member of the community, according to Digi24.

"Elena will continue to work for the residents of the municipality where she serves as a mayor and will have our support to perform in the administration," said USR president's Catalin Drula, quoted by

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(Photo source: LCVA/


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