Romanian president on Schengen: "A bit depressing" to hear same story again and again from Vienna

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Romania's president Klaus Iohannis reiterated that Austria's arguments for blocking the accession of Romania and Bulgaria to the Schengen area do not hold water since it has accepted Croatia as a member of the border-free zone.

President Iohannis also said he is not so sure about suing Austria since legal experts' opinions do not converge on this matter.

On the other hand, Iohannis stated that the Schengen agreement "almost doesn't exist anymore" as several countries have closed their borders due to migration.

Klaus Iohannis said that Romania will continue discussions with the EU member states to unlock the accession to the free movement area.

"Sure, it's a bit depressing to hear from Vienna the same story again and again. The same text, despite Romania's very good performance in stopping illegal migrants", said Klaus Iohannis in Brussels, Digi24 reported.

Asked if Romania should file a complaint with the Court of Justice of the European Union on this subject, Iohannis replied: "It's a very complicated legal matter. I have not met two lawyers who have the same point of view".

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