Swiss Artemis delivers new logistics facility in Romanian industrial park after EUR 10 mln investment

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Swiss real estate developer Artemis, active in the industrial segment, announced it has completed a new investment of EUR 10 million in the fourth building of the Artemis Industrial Park in the town of Sânandrei, Timiş county.

The tenant of the new building, the window and door manufacturer Mondo Style, will produce PVC and aluminium systems in the new production unit, which has an area of ​​10,000 square meters, reported.

"With the new investment of over EUR 10 million, the total investments of the Artemis group in Romania amount to over EUR 70 million in the last 10 years. We continue to invest in Romania, and every building developed translates into new jobs and, implicitly, significant contributions to the local budget," said Dr Adriana Cioca, Managing Director of Artemis Group Romania.

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(Photo source: Pavel Losevsky/


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