Tenor Ştefan von Korch to perform again in Romania, in Carmina Burana, on November 24 at the Oltenia Philharmonic in Craiova

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Tenor Ştefan von Korch to perform again in Romania, in Carmina Burana, on November 24 at the Oltenia Philharmonic in Craiova


After a summer in which he performed in 27 cities in China and popularized the Romanian lyrical repertoire in Germany, the tenor Ştefan von Korch returns to the attention of the public in Romania, in one of the vocal-symphonic works in which he very often impresses the audience: Carmina Burana.

About this musical composition Ştefan von Korch says: “Carmina Burana is very impressive from all points of view. It is a demanding but highly satisfying work, with superb solo and choral lines and overwhelmingly rich orchestral arrangements. A experience of great intensity, which no one forgets and to which I invite you, on November 24 at the Oltenia Philharmonic in Craiova.”

For lovers of the vocal-symphonic genre, the concert means the joy of hearing the most famous cantata in the world, long awaited and acclaimed everywhere, but also an opportunity to meet the soloist whose voice is often associated with this work: Ştefan von Korch is currently the most requested soloist for the tenor voice in Carmina Burana in Romania, a score he has already performed over 33 times.


The tenor approached the score vocally for the first time 10 years ago, and this summer he performed it in Cluj-Napoca, Iasi and Târgu-Mureş:

The Carmina Burana concert is scheduled for November 24 at the Oltenia Philharmonic in Craiova, from 7:00 p.m., under the baton of conductor Svilen Simeonov. Along with Stefan von Korch, the other soloists will be: Christine Razec (soprano) and Alexandru Constantin (baritone). Choir master: Bogdan Botezatu.

Tickets are available at: MyTicket.ro


About Stefan von Korch

So far, the tenor’s career includes appearances in three national premieres: the opera “I Puritani” by Vicenzo Bellini (Cluj-Napoca 2016), the opera “La Sonnambula” by Vicenzo Bellini (Târgu-Mureş 2018) and “Messa di Gloria” by Rossini (Bucharest 2019) and a European premiere of “Traiano in Dacia” by Giuseppe Nicolini (Romanian Opera in Cluj-Napoca 2022). They are joined by famous roles in operas and operettas presented on the biggest stages in Romania: “Falstaff”, “The Barber of Seville”, “The Elixir of Love” (Bucharest National Opera), “Rigoletto”, “The Merry Widow” and ” The Merry Widow 2.0″ (Iasi National Opera), “Rigoletto” and “The Barber of Seville” (Romanian Opera Cluj-Napoca) and others.

He was the only Romanian soloist in the China 2023 Tour, the first tour of an Iberian orchestra in China, held in 27 cities alongside the Reino de Aragón Orchestra.

​26.10.2023 / Editor, Andreea Dragan

Sursa: https://www.nineoclock.ro/2023/10/26/tenor-stefan-von-korch-to-perform-again-in-romania-in-carmina-burana-on-november-24-at-the-oltenia-philharmonic-in-craiova/

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