The Bucharest Stock Exchange has rewarded the performers of the 2024 stock exchange year at the 12th edition of BVB Awards

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Today, on the 12th edition of the BVB Awards, the Bucharest Stock Exchange (BVB) has granted 20 awards to listed companies, brokerage companies, as well as to private pension and investment funds for their achievements in 2024. The event, which spotlighted the performers of the local capital market in 2024, is organized following their achievements recorded in the previous year.

One of the most remarkable figures of last year is certainly the historical maximum number of transactions: 2.6 million transactions, which is 32% more than in 2023. This attests to the growing interest of Romanians for the Romanian capital market and we are confident that, together, we will increasingly foster the development of the investment culture. In a nutshell, the year 2024 for the Bucharest Stock Exchange was: RON 363 billion as total capitalization o...


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