The new president of the Bulgaria – Romania Chamber of Commerce and Industry (BRCCI) on his first visit to the CCIB

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October 16, 202318 Time: 5:41 pm

The President of the Bucharest Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCIB), Mr. Iuliu Stocklosa, received, astatine the CCIB Palace, Mr. Victor Gugushev, the caller president of the Board of Directors of the Bulgaria-Romania Chamber of Commerce successful Ruse (BRCCI), Senior Partner astatine “Gugushev & Partners Law Office”, accompanied by Mr. Stefan Kyosev, Director for concern improvement astatine the “Gugushev & Partners” Law Office and Mr. Adrian Şipoș, concern improvement manager astatine BRCCI.

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Welcoming Mr. Gugushev successful the CCIB Palace and wishing him overmuch occurrence successful his caller capableness arsenic president of BRCCI, Mr. Iuliu Stocklosa declared “Bulgaria is simply a precise important economical and commercialized spouse of Romania. At the extremity of July this year, according to the latest statistical information disposable from the Romanian side, Bulgaria was the 5th destination state for Romanian goods with a 4% stock successful our country’s exports and the 7th state of root for products entering our customized territory, accumulating 4.5% of Romania’s import. Added to this are the values resulting from communal commercialized successful services specified arsenic transport, tourism and IT“.

In turn, Mr. President Gugushev specified that the sojourn to the absorption of the CCIB is the archetypal interaction with the Chamber strategy successful our state and expressed his volition and of the caller Board of Directors of BRCCI to grow the country of enactment of the bilateral Bulgaria-Romania Chamber by attracting caller members from respective geographical areas of the 2 countries. “We privation that successful the archetypal portion of adjacent twelvemonth to signifier a promotional lawsuit successful Bucharest with the information of some the concern situation and representatives of authorities institutions from the 2 countries, with the enactment of the Embassy of the Republic of Bulgaria successful Romania“, said the caller president of BRCCI.

In conclusion, President Stocklosa emphasized that successful accordance with its planetary relations argumentation and promoting the interests of its members and the Bucharest concern environment, CCIB is unfastened to collaborate with each enclosure structures from the neighbouring state successful bid to beforehand commercialized and bilateral economical cooperation.

In this regard, volition collaborate with BRCCI successful organizing promotional events some successful Bucharest and successful Ruse oregon successful different places successful Bulgaria.

Background information

At the extremity of July 2023, Bulgaria was the 7th trading spouse of Romania (after Germany, Italy, Hungary, France, Poland and Turkey) with a commercialized measurement of 5.4 cardinal euros, with a simplification of 13, 5% compared to the akin play successful 2022.

For export, Bulgaria was the 5th destination marketplace with a measurement of 2.2 cardinal euros (+8.3%) and a stock of 4% of the full export, and successful presumption of import the 7th marketplace of root of the goods entered successful our state with a measurement of 3.2 cardinal euros (-24%) and a stock of 4.5% successful Romanian imports.

The caller president of the Bulgaria – Romania Chamber of Commerce and Industry (BRCCI) connected his archetypal sojourn to the CCIB

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