The Royal Margareta Foundation of Romania successfully concludes the “Talent 35” project, supporting and promoting 62 emerging artists and contemporary art

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The Royal Margareta Foundation of Romania successfully concludes the “Talent 35” project, supporting and promoting 62 emerging artists and contemporary art

The Royal Margareta Foundation of Romania implemented the bilateral cultural initiative “Talent 35 – Supporting and Promoting Emerging Artists and Contemporary Art” from November 2024 to February 2025, as the project promoter, in partnership with Nedland Kultur from Norway. The initiative contributed to supporting contemporary art and 62 emerging artists – 52 visual artists and 10 musicians – as well as raising awareness of cultural diversity and strengthening cooperation and cultural exchange between Romania and Norway.

The closing conference of the “Talent 35” bilateral initiative will take place on Thursday, February 27, at 3:00 PM, during an online session. Emerging artists, cultural institutions, stakeholders, and o...


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