Two bids for Resilience Facility financed EUR 80 mln power project in Arad

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Two consortia led by Romanian companies submitted bids to the auction organized for the construction of the gas-fired combined heat and power (CHP) plant in Arad with funding from the Resilience Facility, reported.

The new plant will have a capacity of 10.3 MW electric and 9 MW thermal, and the technology will allow the use of gas or a mixture of gas with 20% hydrogen, in which case carbon emissions would be even lower.

The total value of the contract is RON 402 million, or about EUR 80 million.

The first consortium is formed by Elsaco Electronic (leader), Vestra Industry and Elsaco Engineering, and the other is formed by Restart Energy One (consortium leader), Energomontaj, and the Chinese company Jiangsu CTP Power Co.

[email protected]

(Photo source: Mirage1/


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