Update: Romania ready to send sanitary volunteers to Israel

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Update: The Romanian Ministry of Health announced on Monday that doctors and nurses who wish to volunteer in medical teams to be sent to Israel can register here. In addition, those who want to donate blood for the wounded in the attacks in Israel can do it at one of the centers listed here

Initial story: A list will be opened on October 9 for volunteers who wish to go to Israel as part of medical teams, health minister Alexandru Rafila announced.

If there is a request from Israel, Romania is also ready to supply blood and blood products, the official said.

"This support could consist of medical teams made up of volunteers - and you know very well that we did the same with regard to the catastrophe that happened in Turkey, when there was a very strong earthquake – and also in the blood supply or blood products. Tomorrow, we will open a list for volunteers who might want to go to Israel as part of medical teams," Rafila said, quoted by B1tv.ro.

[email protected] 

(Photo source: Inquam Photos/George Calin)


Sursa: https://www.romania-insider.com/romania-volunteers-istrael-2023

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