Update: Two Romanians reportedly still missing in Israel after attacks

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Update: The Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced that the deaths of two individuals with dual Israeli-Romanian citizenship, residing in Israel, have been confirmed. The Ministry extends its condolences to the families and expresses deep regret for the victims of these attacks in the same message. It also strongly condemns terrorism in all its forms. 

Initial story: Romania’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs has recently confirmed that a person with dual citizenship, Romanian-Israeli, is declared missing. Another cannot be located, according to Israeli sources.

“We confirm that a dual citizen, Romanian-Israeli, residing in Israel, is declared missing, and the family has been unable to contact him. The Romanian Embassy in Tel Aviv is in contact with the Israeli authorities to obtain all the information,” the ministry said in a press release cited by Digi24.

Romanian authorities conducted checks after information emerged that a Romanian might be among those missing in Israel, as reported by News.ro. The information was made public on Thursday by Israeli President Isaac Herzog during a press conference. 

According to official data provided by Israel, one Romanian is listed as missing among 36 countries with citizens who are dead or missing following recent Hamas attacks. Citizens from the United States, Ukraine, the United Kingdom, Turkey, Russia, South Africa, Spain, Sudan, the Philippines, France, Hungary, Canada, China, Argentina, Azerbaijan, Belarus, and Brazil have been killed in the Hamas attacks. Most of the countries with casualties in Israel also have citizens who are missing.

So far, one Romanian citizen, who had dual Romanian-Israeli citizenship, died in the conflict between Israel and Hamas. The man was a soldier in the Israeli army. 

The Israeli army continues to bombard the Gaza Strip in response to coordinated attacks launched by the Hamas terrorist group over the past weekend. The war is now on its sixth day, and the death toll on both sides has exceeded 3,000 victims.

According to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 150 out of the 350 Romanians in the Gaza Strip have requested support to return to Romania. 

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(Photo source: Inquam Photos | Octav Ganea)

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Sursa: https://www.romania-insider.com/two-romanians-reportedly-missing-israel-attacks-2023

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