Weekend Calendar: Les Films de Cannes a Bucarest & Timișoara, National Theater Festival, Iași Literature Festival and more

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Film fans are in for a treat as Bucharest and Timișoara host editions of the festival showcasing productions in the Cannes selection, auteur retrospectives and the latest Romanian movies, while Iași celebrates literature with the largest dedicated festival in the country, attended by numerous Romanian and international authors.

In Bucharest

Les Films de Cannes a Bucarest

October 20 – October 29

A highlight event of Bucharest’s cinematic fall, the festival awaits the public with screenings and special guests at the Elvire Popesco Cinema, the Peasant Museum Cinema, Cinematheque Eforie and Union Cinema. The program includes premiers and award-winning films from the selection of the Cannes festival but also previews of Romanian productions, meetings with filmmakers, masterclasses, retrospectives and professional events. The list of guests includes filmmakers Nicolas Philibert, Maïwenn Le Besco, Lubna Playoust, Catherine Corsini, and Delphine Gleize. The program is available here.

National Theater Festival

October 20 – October 30

Three international productions are part of the program of the event, which showcases top productions from theaters across the country. More on the program here.

George Enescu Philharmonic concerts

October 19. 20

Nelson Goerner joins the George Enescu Philharmonic Orchestra for a program that includes Enescu’s Romanian Rhapsody No. 1, Rachmaninoff’s Piano Concerto No. 3, and Dvořák’s Symphony No. 7. Cristian Badea conducts. More on the Enescu Philharmonic concerts here.

Outline StreetArt Festival

Until October 30

This street art festival kicks off with a three-day, free-entrance event in Lacul Tei Park, where the public can attend a series of workshops. Throughout the month of October, ten local artists will design seven large-size mural painting in the city’s District 2. More info here.

Art Safari

Until January 14

An edition focused on music, the story of the nocturnal city, love, and legendary bags worn by stars and superstars. The program is available here.

The Picasso Effect

Until January 8

The exhibition open at the Museum of Recent Art (MARe) includes works by Picasso and by Romanian artists he influence. More on this here.


Until the end of October

This is a retrospective exhibition focused on the work of artist Matei Chintila. It is open at Art Safe, a partner venue of Celula de Artă, on the premises of Combinatul Fondului Plastic. More here.

Time to Set the Cage on Fire

Until November 11

The first solo show in the country of artist Gino Rubert is open at Mobius Gallery. More here.

All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy

Starting October 20

The first solo exhibition of Düsseldorf-based artist Cătălin Pîslaru inaugurates Gaep’s new venue, at 8 Giuseppe Garibaldi St. More details here.

Urban Blues Fest

October 20 – October 22

The PUB Universitatii hosts three days of concerts, with the lineup including names such as Consummate Rogues (UK), Phunk Smugglers (Serbia/Romania) and Cri Gri Light Blues (Romania). The program is available here.


October 21 – October 22

Sala Palatului hosts this multi-system feline competition, where more than 250 cats will be evaluated by an international jury. An adoption area, with cats looking for a family, will also be open at the event. More here.

March: Together for Women’s Safety

October 22

The march, which starts in front of the Bucharest National Theater (TNB) aims to “disseminate the messages of women who survived violence and pressure the authorities to respect the right to safety of girls and women in Romania.” More here.

In the country

Astra Film Festival

October 15 – October 22

This is an anniversary edition for the Sibiu event, which has prepared a program encompassing tens of documentary films on topics as diverse as the life of Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky and the problems of Germany’s education system to the universe of pickpockets and biographies of standout personalities. The program is available here.

Iași International Festival of Literature and Translation

October 18 – October 22

Markus Zusak, Guzel Yakhina, Burhan Sonmez, and Eric-Emmanuel are among the guests of this year’s edition of the largest literature festival in the country. The program is available here.

Les Films de Cannes a Timișoara

October 19 – October 22

The year Timișoara holds the title of European Capital of Culture a special edition of the event focuses on gender equality in cinema. Maïwenn’s Jeanne du Barry opens the program, with the director attending. More details here.

Brâncuși: Romanian Sources and Universal Perspectives

Until January 28

The National Art Museum of Timișoara hosts this exhibition gathering some 100 works of the Romanian artist: sculptures, drawings, and photos. More here.


Until November 15

This exhibition, which encompasses items and stories about the world of film, is open at CRAFT in Timișoara. More details here.

Timișoara City Marathon

October 22

A 42k marathon, 21k half-marathon, and 10k and 3k races are part of the event which brings together runners of all ages. More here.

(Photo: the recently open Timiș Cinema in Timișoara, from Cinema Timiș Facebook page)

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Sursa: https://www.romania-insider.com/weekend-calendar-oct-19-2023

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