Western Romania: Over 400 well-preserved Roman coins discovered

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Over 400 coins believed to date from the Roman conquest period of Dacia have been discovered within the Şoimuş commune area in Hunedoara county, western Romania, by an authorized searcher. 

The announcement was made by the mayor of Şoimuş commune, Mihai Gabriel Irimie, on his social media page. The mayor said that the 407 coins are exceptionally well-preserved and have been given over to the appropriate authorities.

"This is the first time we've encountered such a situation. The coins are magnificent, each one is unique, and they have been exceptionally well-preserved. The procedure dictates that the mayor inventories them and hands them over to the County Cultural Directorate of Hunedoara. Together with the authorized searcher, we handed over the 407 coins, which will become part of the Romanian state's heritage," noted the mayor of Şoimuş commune, cited by Agerpres.

The person who discovered the coins will be compensated by the Romanian state with 30% of their value, according to the mayor.

"It's possible that in the area where they were found, there might be a Dacian or Roman fortress. Investigations will be conducted by specialists from the Ministry of Culture," Irimie added.

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(Photo source: Mihai Gabriel Irimie on Facebook)

Sursa: https://www.romania-insider.com/western-romania-roman-coins-discovered-october-2023

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