Western Romania: Rehabilitation of Bihor County's beautiful Apuseni Road completed

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The rehabilitation works on the Apuseni Road, the most spectacular route in Bihor County, western Romania, have been completed and accepted, the local authorities announced.

The contract's value exceeded RON 180 million (EUR 36.2 million) for the three road sections that were rehabilitated. 

"This is a very important project for our county for several reasons. This road connects two important tourist areas, the Valea Crișului Repede and the Depresiunea Beiușului. It also highlights several important tourist attractions, from Izvorul Minunilor and the Stâna de Vale resort to the wonderful waterfalls along this road, such as Vălul Miresei Waterfall, Iadolina Waterfall, and the Leșu Dam. Many of those who come here will surely invest in this important tourist area of our county," said Mircea Mălan, vice president of the Bihor County Council.

According to information provided by the Bihor County Council, the Apuseni Road has a total length of 56.3 kilometres. During the rehabilitation works, four new bridges were built, and extensive rock excavation was required.

"When we initiated this project, we aimed to enhance what God has left us in Bihor County and its surroundings, which we could not enjoy without satisfactory road infrastructure. We invited all the other five county council presidents in the region to negotiate European funds in Bihor, and we concluded that it was best to get to work after we determined each segment of the road in our county," pointed out Cornel Popa, former president of the Bihor County Council from 2012 to 2016. 

"Six counties managed to join forces and create a corridor connecting one to another," added Pásztor Sándor, former president of the Bihor County Council between 2016 and 2020.

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(Photo source: Cjbihor.ro)

Sursa: https://www.romania-insider.com/apuseni-road-romania-completed-october-2023

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