Analysis: Non-recycled packaging waste cost Romanian companies EUR 6 mln in 2022

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Companies in Romania that did not recycle their packaging waste paid RON 33 million, the equivalent of over EUR 6 million, to the Environment Fund Administration in 2022, according to data from the National Institute of Statistics analyzed by Clean Recycle.

The amount is four times lower than in 2012, however, which shows greater responsibility from local businesses regarding their environmental obligations.

In the last ten years, between 2012-2022, the amounts paid by companies for packaging waste that was not recycled or recovered amounted to some EUR 181 million, the same source said.

“Romania has evolved in recent years at the level of packaging waste recovery, but the progress is quite slow. Now, however, we have the opportunity to accelerate this process, especially if we refer to the development of the infrastructure to help us increase the recycling rate. Only through PNRR, we have over EUR 1 billion for investments to ensure the most efficient management of packaging waste,” said Cosmin Monda, founder and CEO of Clean Recycle.

Companies generating packaging waste must report all quantities placed on the market through OIREPs (Organizations Implementing the Obligations of Extended Producer Responsibility), which take on this responsibility. Otherwise, economic operators have to pay RON 2 for each kg of unused packaging to the Environment Fund.

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(Photo source: Inkdropcreative1/


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