Romanian pupils likely to achieve only 58% of their potential at maturity

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The Romanian educational system should be reformed, considering the poor results of recent years, according to a document compiled by the Erste banking group and consulted by A child born today in Romania reaches only 58% of its productive potential, the lowest level in the European Union, according to the report. 

Low government spending on education, at a level of 3.2% of GDP, is indicated as a main weakness of Romanian education, along with the high difference between the level of education in urban and rural areas.

Educated Romania was the flagship project of president Klaus Ioannis during his two mandates that are close to reaching their end. A package of controversial laws aimed at reforming the education system had already passed, and a major strike of the school teachers during this year’s summer forced the government to promise higher wages. 

The report points to the decline in the number of teachers over the last 25 years, plus the existence of a demotivated staff. 

The very poor results of the PISA tests for reading, mathematics and science call for a reform of the Romanian education system, says the Erste report carried out with the support of BCR Research.

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(Photo source: Robert Kneschk/


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