The Interview of the Week by Dr. Kristine Bago Partner Editor Nine O’Clock: Romania Financially Educated – Is it necessary to change the current government’ form?

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The Interview of the Week by Dr. Kristine Bago Partner Editor Nine O’Clock:

Romania Financially Educated  – Is it necessary to change the current government’ form?

Dr. Kristine Bago: The correct judgement of any facts can be a sufficient base for doing justice by applying the relevant legal rules.

In the light of the most recent events in Romania, we can say that some trials are more important than the framing of the subject case to judgment, because the facts analyzed are very important, not only for those who committed or suffered them, but also for the community / the related Society.

And the solutions pronounced in such trials represents judicial precedents that either open new paths in the sphere of justice, or constitute jurisprudential revisions, i.e. changes in perspective, sometimes spectacular, on the meaning of the same facts.

How can truth, regular habits and formal logic be transformed under the legal “umbrella”?”

Mr. Prof. Dr. Valeriu Stoica – Founding Partner Stoica & Asociații: “To be accurate, is very important when we talk about facts and truth in the world of law, from the justice’ perspective to notice the following:

Usually, when we speak in terms of truth, we are referring to the conformity of certain statements with a certain factual reality.

In other words, when the judge is facing this issue in a file, he seeks to establish on the evidence’ base such as documents, witness statements, other evidence, what are the facts; and the truth here means the agreement between the conclusion reached by the judge and the way the facts happened.

But this represent only a part of the truth’ importance from the justice’ perspective, because here we are talking about the truth’ dimension, which depends on the following questions:

What is it?

What is there?

Dr. Kristine Bago: “What represents the truth, Mr. Professor?”

Mr. Prof. Dr. Valeriu Stoica – Founding Partner Stoica & Asociații: “Those facts exist and they must be proven.

But there is another part of the truth that no longer answers the question of “What is, what exists?”

“What happened?”- Is another equally important question about what should be or what should have been.

So, from this perspective, the judge has a double mission – firstly, to establish based on the evidence, the concordance between the versions of the parties or between his own version and how the facts really happened, and secondly, he must see everything in relation to the legal rules of law that apply in that file, what should have been.

Because from this perspective we can measure what was, it is in accordance with what should have been.

This is a very difficult task for any judge.

Sometimes this seems difficult to understand for those who are not familiar with deontic logic.”



Kristine Bago joined  Nine O’Clock  at the beginning of August 2023 as a Partner Editor.

Kristine Bago is a well-known financial auditor with extensive industry experience  – former Big4 alumna, entrepreneur in the financial services, economic influencer & Romanian TV Show producer.

Kristine Bago possess a wide experience in finance area, both in academic terms – certifications acquired, as well as experience gained in corporate companies, working for a period of 6 years at the major financial consulting companies in the world, as part of the Big4 network: PwC, KPMG and Deloitte Romania.

Kristine Bago holds a Bachelor, Master and Ph.D. degree from West University of Timisoara, being national & international (ACCA) certified in her profession.(financial audit). As a result-driven professional, she used all her expertise & previous professional involvement and build, in 2020, unique business concept by adding into the Romanian business environment a new service – financial audit advisory, for companies having already an external financial auditor appointed. 17 companies in TOP 20 major companies in Romania become quickly, in the pandemic year, her clients. 1 year later, Kristine Bago establish another milestone – the media coverage. In 2021, she receives the offer to make an Economic Radio Show at GOLD FM and 6 months later, at the beggining of 2022, she was invited to be the permanent guest at an Economic TV Show at Profit News. After another 6 months as a permanent guest, she starts to be the sole producer of the Economic TV Show broadcasted by Profit News.

In 2023 (one year later), she records her own brand and starts her own TV Show, having the most important & representative guests from the financial ecosystem in Romania. During all this time, she used to write professional articles about major financial issues in Romania & worldwide, financial reviews / analysis, contributing in an objective way to the financial education of her audience


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